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Top 5 Trends From Augmented Reality App Development Services In 2022

Top 5 Trends From Augmented Reality App Development Services In 2022

Augmented reality is no longer a new concept for us. We are even now living in diverse reality, and what we see is enlarged by what technology can illustrate to us. Augmented reality has given new concepts to experience the world through digital visualization. It wouldn’t be incorrect to say that augmented reality is the modified version of the physical world. Earlier it was limited to hardware systems, but now we have augmented reality apps on our smartphones. Today, we find it performing the best services and expanding its scope in the app world. Augmented reality app development services implement advanced algorithms that overlap the sight virtually in the digital camera for making mobile apps. Hence, this unique technology will be in trend for 2022 and beyond.

Augmented reality app development services

Recent research shows that the augmented reality market will progress to more than $61 billion in the following years. This high revenue depicts that AR will be more emerging in 2022 and beyond. So then, the future seems to be more technical and virtual with this evoking technology. Let’s move on to discuss its trending applications in all aspects.

Trending Augmented Reality App Development Services For 2022 And Beyond

We all know that augmented reality has been around for past years. Before advanced technology in AR, the primary focus of AR was gaming and entertainment. As technology is on a continuous mode of revolution, so augmented reality is getting more outward than before. Since AR is capturing all aspects, so the worldwide business gets more benefits with it. Here are examples of AR apps that use augmented reality app development services to develop innovative solutions.

1  Mobile AR for Both Android and iOS

Mobile app development has grown up to 80% worldwide. Today we can see that there numerous active mobile apps in Google's play store available for installation. The induction of augmented reality in mobile apps made them more valuable to consume. Mobile-based AR apps magnificently integrate virtual reality that people can see the real world virtually. In addition, mobile devices are built with google’s ARCore technology to project augmented reality features in them.

A best-of AR mobile apps are Snapchat, in this app, there is numerous custom filter with AR. The Snapchat mobile app comes with an intelligent camera having built-in filters to engage the user for a long time to experience AR. It also supports live conferencing and video streaming that will real-time responses. App developers are practicing more to build AR-rich apps compatible with both Android and iOS.

    Retailing AR

Augmented reality is shaping the retail industry to virtual one giving excellent experiences. With augmented reality, retailing is easier because it opens many choices for shoppers to try before buying anything. This comfort captures more customers' interest to avail products. Augmented reality app developers are building retailing apps that provide these facilities to customers to buy their desirable services.

Using AR, more than 60% of the shoppers prefer to buy products using these apps. Retailing mobile apps come with AI and VR featured cameras to experience how they will look on you. Moreover, retailers obtain more than 40% of retail owners to change to AR and VR solutions.

3.    AR in Direction-Finding

Another surprising AR trend that has captured more attention is direction finding with AR. This intelligent technology has benefited us with accurate results. There are AR-based navigation apps that direct you where to go? Utilizing AR in navigation timelessly finds the best path for you with high bandwidth and control over your surroundings. Generally, these applications are for indoor purposes. Like if you are new in office and don’t know where the CEO’s office is? Then open the app and speak up the location, and here you go. AR direction-finding apps use Bluetooth signals, QR codes, or ceiling antennas to find your desired location.

In addition, internet connectivity is also helpful while finding the place. Mainly the Android and iOS phones find a location with a Wi-Fi connection. AR navigation apps are useful anywhere, such as offices, airports, shopping malls, etc.

      AR-Based Remote Assistance

AR-based remote assistance is another impressive technology from augmented reality app development services. The AR trend comes with special operations to handle manual processes. It is explained as:

In a pandemic, the business is carried out online and from home, so needing an effective was severely felt. This technology allows controlling or straightforward solutions to raise issues remotely. For example, if you are an app developer and working from home, your laptop or computer suddenly stops working. So you are trying to fix it, but you don't know how to do it. In this case, having an AR-remote assistant app will help you. With this app, you connect with IT technicians to seek guidance with the on-screen feature. And all this virtual assistance is done with WebRTC. It allows seamless peer-to-peer connection without any server loading failure.

5  Healthcare AR

One of the augmented reality development trends in healthcare. Although, medical care is changing day by day to provide expert health solutions to the patient. Augmented reality app development service fueled healthcare with more surprising health solutions. With AR healthcare solutions, doctors and professionals have found out proper treatments that reduce pain.

Healthcare AR

In this case, AR-based healthcare glasses are made for doctors to wear while giving treatment. AR glasses are used while taking X-rays, finding the right vein to draw blood without any pain. There are also healthcare detecting machines that work efficiently to scan the human video and show the internal organism to prescribe treatment respectively.

Future Direction

The future direction of augmented reality development is optimistic, as AR is playing a massive role in all aspects. It is estimated that the AR market will grow by $25 billion in the coming days. Moreover, this high growth rate is unstoppable because technology will never end since AR is aiding all aspects, so people diversely prefer its services and want to include them in their daily use. Above, we talked about the latest AR technologies to be trending in 2022 and beyond. Also, researchers are predicting that businesses will grow higher than now with augmented reality solutions.

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